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Testing in Ts

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As noted in the testing intro , you are free to test your Sway and TS-SDK code with any JS framework available. Below we have an example of how to load and test a contract using Vitest, but the general principles and steps are the same for any testing harness.

Here is a simple Sway program that takes an input and then returns it:

abi DemoContract {
fn return_input(input: u64) -> u64;
impl DemoContract for Contract {
fn return_input(input: u64) -> u64 {

Here is JavaScript code testing the above program using a conventional Vitest setup:

import { safeExec } from '@fuel-ts/errors/test-utils';
import { generateTestWallet } from '@fuel-ts/wallet/test-utils';
import type { BN } from 'fuels';
import {
} from 'fuels';
import storageSlots from '../contract/out/debug/demo-contract-storage_slots.json';
import { DemoContractAbi__factory } from './contract-types';
import bytecode from './contract-types/DemoContractAbi.hex';
import { PredicateAbi__factory } from './predicate-types';
import { ScriptAbi__factory } from './script-types';
let gasPrice: BN;
 * @group node
describe('ExampleContract', () => {
	beforeAll(async () => {
const provider = await Provider.create(FUEL_NETWORK_URL);
({ minGasPrice: gasPrice } = provider.getGasConfig());
	it('with imported storage slots', async () => {
const provider = await Provider.create(FUEL_NETWORK_URL);
const wallet = await generateTestWallet(provider, [[500_000, BaseAssetId]]);
import storageSlots from './contract/out/debug/demo-contract-storage_slots.json';
const contract = await DemoContractAbi__factory.deployContract(bytecode, wallet, {
	it('should return the input', async () => {
const provider = await Provider.create(FUEL_NETWORK_URL);
const wallet = await generateTestWallet(provider, [[500_000, BaseAssetId]]);
// Deploy
const factory = new ContractFactory(bytecode, DemoContractAbi__factory.abi, wallet);
const contract = await factory.deployContract({ gasPrice });
const contractId = contract.id;
// Call
const { value } = await contract.functions
	.txParams({ gasPrice, gasLimit: 10_000 })
// Assert
// You can also make a call using the factory
import { DemoContractAbi__factory } from './types';
const contractInstance = DemoContractAbi__factory.connect(contractId, wallet);
const { value: v2 } = await contractInstance.functions
	.txParams({ gasPrice, gasLimit: 10_000 })
	it('deployContract method', async () => {
const provider = await Provider.create(FUEL_NETWORK_URL);
const wallet = await generateTestWallet(provider, [[500_000, BaseAssetId]]);
import { DemoContractAbi__factory } from './types';
import bytecode from './types/DemoContractAbi.hex';
// Deploy
const contract = await DemoContractAbi__factory.deployContract(bytecode, wallet, { gasPrice });
// Call
const { value } = await contract.functions
	.txParams({ gasPrice, gasLimit: 10_000 })
// Assert
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Note: The TS-SDK has recently migrated to Vitest however it follows a very similar API to Jest, and the above example applies to Jest also.